Alphabol Methandienone Buy Online


Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Methandienone
Package: 10 mg / tab. (50 tab.)

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Product Name: Alphabol
Active ingredient: Methandrostenolone
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma (India)
Product: tablets 50 pcs. 10 mg and 30 pcs. 25 mg each
Alfabol is an anabolic and androgenic steroid based on methandienone. We can say that this steroid is a "coryphaeus" of the sports pharmacology market. It was invented in the early 60s of the twentieth century and was produced by Ciba. At first, methandrostenolone was used purely as a medical preparation to increase overall tone in women and accelerate recovery from burns.

Alphabol by Alpha Pharma

After some time, the drug began to be actively used by athletes, because it allowed them to accumulate a significant amount of muscle mass in a short time. Alphabol is a quality steroid, but there is a lot of untrue defamatory information on the market. Many so-called experts overestimate the toxic effect of "methane" and minimize its anabolic abilities. All this information is the result of unfair competition in the market. Anabolic activity of Alphabol – 200% testosterone, androgen – 50%. The active substance is slightly susceptible to conversion to estrogen, the toxicity to the liver is moderate. The half-life is about 6-8 hours, the detection time for doping control is up to three months. Therefore, Alfabol can be used by athletes during the preparatory period, and it is better to exclude it in the pre-competition and competition phase.

Effects of Alfabol

AlphabolGrowth reception of muscle mass. Receiving Alphabol stimulates protein synthesis, the increase in muscle volume for a solo course of medium duration can reach 8-10 kilograms.
Increased strength. We can say, non-main, "side effect", resulting from the growth of muscle mass.
Strengthening of the joints and bones.
Mild stimulation of fat reduction. The effect largely depends on nutrition and training, and with an incorrectly developed plan it can be leveled.
Increased appetite

How to take Alphabol

Although the Alphabol course is not the most "difficult", it is recommended to start taking this drug every year without any contraindications (prostate hypertrophy, high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, etc.). The daily dose for each athlete is selected individually, based on their experience in taking pharmacological agents, physiological indicators, the purpose of taking AAS. The recommended daily dose is 30 milligrams, divided into several receptions. The fractional use of Alpha Pharma's Alfabol protects the body from sudden waves of hormonal background. The duration of the course is from 4 to 8 weeks. Taking the drug on an empty stomach increases the effect, but can increase the load on the liver.

As for how to take Alphabol along with other AAS, the course is built with a specialist. The general recommendations are reduced to advice on how to minimize the dosage and the undesirability of taking a second oral drug (this significantly overloads the liver). The correctly selected combined course not only increases the anabolic effect, but also significantly reduces the risk of negative body reactions. For a set of muscle mass, Primobolan, Sustanon, Trenbolone, Testosterone and Nandrolone combine best with Alfabol.

More details on the patterns of taking the drug is possible in the topic of methandrostenolone.

Side effects

Side Effects of Alphabol A portion of methandrostenolone converts to methaestradiol, a substance that has a third greater affinity for estrogen receptors. As a result, there may be gynecomastia. To prevent it, aromatase inhibitors are taken – substances that block the formation of estrogen in the blood and increase the level of gonadotropic hormones and one's own testosterone. The presence of a methyl group in the alpha-17 position causes a slight toxic effect on the liver and reduces the binding of methandienone to globulin. Also the possible side effects of Alphabol are water retention, hair loss, acne, testicular atrophy, excessive sexual desire and blood pressure on the way. Taking Alfabol for women is not recommended, since the likelihood of masculinization is very high.

Reviews on Alphabol

Aside from any other steroid, Alpha Pharma's Alphabol reviews are residually contradictory. If you take it in general, users are satisfied with the quality of the acquired muscle mass, the availability and price of the drug, its overall effectiveness. Most often, complaints are caused by a pronounced rollback phenomenon. In fact, without the use of appropriate PCT and pharmacology on the course, it is almost impossible to maintain the entire mass.

Reviews about Alfabol speak of its high efficiency in combination with Testosterone. According to the athletes, in this case there is a synergistic effect and the probability of side effects decreases.


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