Rexobol Oral Stanozolol Buy Online


Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Oral Stanozolol
Package: 10 mg / tab. (50 tab.)

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Pharmaceutical company Alpha Pharma, worked in India, engaged in the production of steroids, called Rexobol, which possesses anabolic and small androgenic action. The main active ingredient – stanozolol. The tool is available in tablet form (50 parts in a package of 10 or 50 mg). This steroid was developed in-house by Winthrop Laboratories. According to the chemical composition, it is a digidrotetosterona derivative. Stanozolol in tablet form is a very popular drug. Due to the presence of the alkyl group in the alpha 17 position it has a resistance to breaking when it enters the liver, but has a slight toxic effect.

But this means in the form of injections it also harms the body. Initially, the substance stanozolol used to increase strength and endurance performance in horses involved in racing. Yes, due to the properties of the drug noticed athletes, and after a while it receives a steroid drug market.

Due to the presence of small androgenic actions (30% testosterone, but 320% among the anabolic) Rexobol is considered a very steroid sparing agent. Stanozolol is not exposed to flavoring and little effect on the liver (strong effect occurs only at the high dose). active steroid effective for 8 hours. Athletes are professionals who often pass doping tests. Rexobol must be used with masking agents as well as modern technology detecting the presence of blood means a period of 12 months after the athlete has stopped using it.

The result of use

Rexobol gives the following effects for the body:

1. Increases Muscle Relief;

2. increases endurance and power rates;

3. Reduces fat deposits;

4. Accumulated water flows out;

5. Improve appetite;

6. 2 times reduces the globulin that binds sex hormones;

7. Allegedly, it gives anti-progesterone and anti-estrogenic results.

In practice this means bodybuilders used in drying speed. If you use this drug when preparing for the competition, you can buy high-quality, beautiful muscle mass. And stanozolol to use athletes. And according to the World Anti-Doping Laboratory, Rexobol is currently the most popular drug product. This conclusion was derived from the large number of doping positive samples.

Reception of the drug

Receiving the course Rexobol advises athletes who wish to increase strength and endurance, while not gaining weight. Most effectively, its active substance affects a person who has a small layer of fat and sufficient mass. The preferred dose for each day is 30 milligrams, which should be divided into 3 parts. Do not recommend exceeding the dosage of 50 milligrams.

The course of the drug should last from 5 to 8 weeks. Increasing the usage period for more than 2 months is not recommended, as this may cause liver problems. When the course is completed, it is necessary to conduct post-course therapy. Special sports nutrition will help to achieve a better effect.

Rexobol can be taken with other anabolic and androgenic steroids. For example, to increase muscle mass, androgenic drugs (Anapolon, Testosterone, Methandrostenolone) should be added to this drug. Stanozolol and these substances, taken together, help balance the exchange rate, providing a synergistic result and greatly reducing the likelihood of side effects. If the athlete needs to increase the drying result of the muscles, then he must combine Rexobol and Trenbolon.

Harmful effects on the body

This drug has no estrogenic effects, does not cause the appearance of swelling and gynecomastia. In general, the unwanted results for the body after taking Rexobol occur in the form of damage to the ligaments and joints, since this steroid "dries up". To minimize the likelihood of injury, Testosterone and Deca are added to the Rexobol course. Further likely side effects are: increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels, androgenic reactions (acne, decreased testosterone production, alopecia). The toxic effect on the liver is reduced by the use of hepatoprotectors. If the recommended dose of this steroid drug is exceeded, myocardial hypertrophy may develop.

Opinions of athletes

Oral use of Rexobol is very convenient, so athletes, expressing their opinion on the drug, often observe this point. The injection is very painful, there are "bumps". Women really appreciate this product, which is produced in the form of tablets. If you use it in small doses, verification and other "pobochki" occur rarely.

Professional bodybuilders respond positively to this remedy, so we can conclude that this drug is effective in terms of increasing relief and reducing fat deposits. And athletes, weightlifters use stanozolol to remove excess water from the body. According to most athletes, Rexobol, manufactured by Alfa Pharma, is considered to be a safe and effective steroid.


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